Forty kilometres north of Bourgas is Bulgaria's largest seaside resort Slanchev Bryag. The name Sunny Beach is a literal translation of the Bulgarian name. There couldn't be a more appropriate name for a place with a average summer temperature and very few cloudy days. The resort stretches along a large bay from the green foothills of the Stara Planina Mountains to the picturesque town of Nessebar. Its beach, offering a six km. long expanse of fine, golden sand, sloping gradually into the warm and safe sea, makes it an ideal resort for families. The wooded surrounding area is perfect for hiking. It was because of these natural conditions that the place was chosen for the site of a large resort in 1958. It was built in these stages. During the first stage the bungalows and smaller hotels were built. The bulk of the hotels were erected during the second stage and the most luxurious ones are the most recent. Sunny Beach has more than a hundred hotels, quite a number of which are situated very conveniently on the very beach or within a short distance from it. Some of the the biggest and best – appointed hotels are the Kuban, Globus, Bourgas, Evropa. Autumn is particularly beautiful and pleasant here, with a lot of sunshine and warm days. Winter is mild with rare snowfall. In adition, the Bourgas and Globus hotels have indoor swimming pools and fully equipped health centres. The resort has a lot of shops, street stalls and bazaars. As for shopping, there is always the possibility to visit the neighbouring towns of Nessebar and Pomorie or Bourgas and Varna, to all of wich there are regular bus connections. Around the resort, which is a bit spread out, there is mini – train transport. Sunny Beach has a lot to offer to those who are keen on sports - swimming pools, tennis courts, mini – golf courses and a bowling alley vary the pace of beach life here. The yacht club offers motor boats, mini – jets and pedalloes for hire. Horseback riding is made possible too because of the excellent horseriding school at the resort, offering courses for beginners and advanced riders. There are excellent conditions for lively children in Sunny Beach – playgrounds with slides and swings, children's pool, water slides enjoyed by adults as well. Like Albena and Golden Sands, Sunny Beach is a bearer of the prestigious BLUE FLAG prize for proven ecological advantages along the Black Sea coast. The three resorts have long been in possession of all that makes them worthy of this certificate – clean sea water, air and sun which carry absolutely no risk to the health of the tourists; architecture, adapted to the natural environment; no automobile traffic within the resorts; quietness and a lot of greenery.
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For more information or inquiries do not hesitate to contact us:
+359 885841230;
+359 887762939
Fax: +359 478 88470;
Office Bourgas address:
87, Aleksandrovska, Str., floor 3, Burgas, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 56 900176
Mob: +359 885841230;
+359 887762939
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